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forty65, vol. i, no. 23 - 23 october 2005
























important reunion info

When you originally registered, we did not ask which of the Friday and Saturday events you would attend. There’s the Friday evening” meet and greet” reception at the Sheraton, the Saturday lunch at TJ, and the Saturday evening gala at the Westwood Club. If you would now let us know which of those three events you plan to attend, that would be a huge help. Please send that info to

Vegetarian options are provided for Saturday evening’s buffet. If you need a vegetarian lunch on Saturday, please indicate that, too.

It would also help if you checked the website ( If you have registered but don’t see you name on the list of those planning to attend, please email right away.

And if you haven’t been to Richmond for a while and need a map, Charles Douglass has placed several on the website.

greetings & reflections

Dudley Staples ( Maryland ): I recently ran across my Dad’s 1936 Monticello yearbook. The faculty in 1936 included some teachers who were still there when we were students – including Lila Crenshaw, Jeannette Henna and, for those who went to West-hampton, Roland Galvin. I continue to be grateful for the great classmates and for the excellent education we received back then. It will be inter-esting to see what everyone has gone on to do. I look forward to seeing everyone and catching up.

Nancy Leed Clary (Glen Allen):  So many experiences shape us and now I take time to reflect on mine and know that TJ was part of that



shaping at a critical time when we were all at a crossroads, wondering which one we should take. I found mine in medicine and have never regretted it. I look forward to seeing everyone and how much we have or have not changed with age and wisdom.

Craig Kessler ( Maryland ): I regret that I will not be able to attend our reunion. Unfortunately, I have a professional travel commitment that I cannot get out of. My thoughts will be with all of my friends. It is only as we get older that we realize how important and genuine our friendships from high school are.

Linda Riddell Overton Phillips (TN): Wish I could be there to go back 40 years in time.  Would love to see so many people I haven't seen since I left Virginia . I will be in MN with my two-year old grandson Wallace and his Mother my youngest daughter.  Lisbeth (33), getting ready for Halloween. Have a great time. Would love to hear from my classmates.

Chris Armstrong (NYC): Unfortunately, Suzanne and I will not be able to make the TJ 40th reunion –  business just doesn't permit. We had very much wished to attend and to support - TD Waterhouse took an ad in the publication and we made a donation. Too bad we don't get to see the big show! All the best, and have a great party.

Karen Quisenberry Ryerson Phillips (Sandston): As I read the names of those attending, I went right back to those times when we didn’t have a care in the world. I remember sock hops at Marvine Mae’s, the Broadway Drive-in, Bill’s Barbecue, and the Clover Room. I want to say a special hello to Beverly Glaspie, Marvine Mae, Sandra Scordo, and Dale Birdsong. And, of course, to Billy Bayliss, Bruce Roberts, and Ann Manning. I have missed my fellow graduates and am sorry I won’t be there this coming weekend. There is a certain love I have for all of you and I wish you the best life has to offer.

Stay tuned!